Avengers endgame real or fake 4k
Avengers endgame real or fake 4k

avengers endgame real or fake 4k
  1. #Avengers endgame real or fake 4k movie#
  2. #Avengers endgame real or fake 4k full#
  3. #Avengers endgame real or fake 4k tv#
avengers endgame real or fake 4k

Our list below advises whether a disc is sourced from a 2K or 4K (or close) master, whether it has HDR or Dolby Vision enhancement, the top audio format included, and even handy buying links.Ĭheck back regularly for updates to the list, as we’ll keep adding the latest titles as they’re released. Then there’s the incredible difference that HDR and Dolby Vision make to the picture, delivering more lifelike images than standard DVD and Blu-ray. As the resolution for cinemas is usually 2K, many movies come to 4K Ultra HD in that format – however, they are still improved markedly over standard Blu-ray by upscaling in both mastering and via your 4K player. But all 4K discs aren’t created equal – you could basically say that there’s “real” and “fake” 4K.

avengers endgame real or fake 4k

#Avengers endgame real or fake 4k movie#

Marvel has punked us all: My long held theory and the KEY FACT that everyone has missed.Upgraded to 4K Ultra HD and want to check the specs on prospective movie purchases? You’ve come to the right place, as we’ve compiled a list of all Australian-released titles, as well as their top video and audio formats in one easy to check – and sort – listing.ĤK is an amazing format, able to deliver the crispest video you’ve likely ever seen.

#Avengers endgame real or fake 4k full#

Even if the snap has been faked to mess with Thanos and ultimately beat him, some people will die, Avengers included.Īs far-fetched as it may seem, you really should check out the full theory below: Then again, the Avengers can’t save everyone, and previous films are a testament to that. To get back to that post-credits scene, remember that helicopter that crashes into a building in the background? It’s likely similar things happened everywhere on Earth and other planets, meaning that people who have survived the snap may have been killed in the accidents the snap caused. The snap must have occurred in some way initially so that the remaining Avengers would go back in time, swap the Infinity Stones with fakes before they performed their snap that would eventually bring everyone back once Thanos is defeated.Īlso, just because the Avengers ultimately win doesn’t mean it’ll be without any sacrifices, which is something the theory doesn’t cover.

#Avengers endgame real or fake 4k tv#

How is it that in the Endgame Super Bowl TV spot everyone on Earth are mourning the dead if no one really died? Well, movies that involved time traveling can be complex like that. The theory seems daring, and I have to say that it would undoubtedly fit Marvel’s misleading ways, but there are also plenty of holes. The theory further proposes that Loki was recruited in the past to make sure everything happens in this particular order, and that Hulk lost on purpose against Thanos in their first fight. Starks attempt retrieve the Tesseract is foiled by Hulk opening the door to the stairway and hitting him in the face, just as Martys attempt to retrieve a sports almanac (itself referenced earlier in the film) is foiled by his younger self opening a gymnasium door and hitting him in the face. The substituted Stones will work well enough singly, on a small scale, but as they are ‘out of phase’ (like Ghost, in a sense), so they will fizzle when used for anything major… Like the Snap. Back to the Future Part II (1989) The Avengers go back into past events from earlier movies. This will hinge upon not interfering with Thanos’ acquisition of each Infinity Stone, just making sure Thanos does not get any of the Stones that are actually native to the MCU’s universe. Thus this will involve both some time travel and universe hopping via the Quantum Realm as the place where all realities meet and use of a time vortex. My pet theory regarding how they foil Thanos is by going back in time to gather the MCU universe’s native Infinity Stones with Infinity Stones while substituting each with Stones borrowed from other universes, so the ‘out of phase’ substituted Stones – from six different universes – will fizzle when used together. Meanwhile, the fake stones do have certain powers, but they’re nothing like the real ones: But those stones all come from different universes and they won’t work exactly as advertised when used together. The theory suggests that beating Thanos is only possible by not interfering with his original plan and making sure he has all the Infinity Stones at his disposal. So that phenomenon had to have been from something else occurring, entirely. How could the ‘dustings’ from that scene happen an hour (or more) before the Snap?Īnswer: only if the dustings started before the Snap. Larger ships (which we saw) and larger energy signatures from the readings of those ships. Then, she gets an alert (undoubtedly from SHIELD’s ops center) that the Mad Titan’s fleet of ships were only just then entering the atmosphere over Wakanda – to start the attack on Wakanda. Maria updates Nick with the latest intel. The post-credits scene (see it above) that shows the conversation between Maria Hill and Fury seems to indicate that people turned to dust long before the snap even happened: As evidence, the Redditor offers the fact that the decimation begins in New York soon after the attack on Wakanda starts.

Avengers endgame real or fake 4k